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Landscaping Excellence - Profitable Company in WPB!

Palm Beach County, Florida

Asking Price: Gross: Cash Flow:
$1,799,000 $974,280 $485,934

Furniture and Fixtures Value:
$78,100 (included in the asking price)

Inventory Value:
$0 ( not included in the asking price)

Real Estate:
$0 ( not included in the asking price)

Business Summary:
This successful landscaping business for sale is an established and profitable enterprise that offers a range of landscaping services to residential and commercial clients. Here is a description of what this business entails: Strong Reputation: A successful landscaping business will have a strong and positive reputation in the local community. It should be known for its high-quality work, reliability, and customer satisfaction. Positive online reviews and word-of-mouth referrals are common indicators of a good reputation. Diverse Service Offerings: The business should offer a wide range of landscaping services, including lawn care, landscape design and installation, irrigation systems, tree and shrub care, hardscape construction (e.g., patios, walkways, and retaining walls), and regular maintenance services. This diversity helps attract a broad customer base and ensures recurring revenue streams. Skilled Workforce: A landscaping business often relies on a team of skilled and experienced employees, including landscapers, designers, maintenance crews, and possibly arborists or irrigation specialists. The expertise of the workforce is crucial to delivering high-quality services. Established Client Base: A successful landscaping business should have a solid and loyal client base, including both residential and commercial clients. Contracts for regular maintenance services can provide a steady income stream, while one-off projects like landscape design and installation can bring in substantial revenue. Equipment and Resources: The business should be well-equipped with a variety of landscaping tools, vehicles, and machinery necessary to perform the services efficiently. Well-maintained equipment is crucial for productivity and safety. Financial Stability: A profitable landscaping business should have a healthy financial history, with consistent revenue and profitability. A potential buyer should review the financial statements, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, to assess the business's financial stability. Licensing and Permits: Ensure that the business has all the required licenses and permits to operate legally in the area. Compliance with local regulations is essential to avoid any legal issues in the future. Strong Vendor Relationships: The business should have established relationships with suppliers and vendors for landscaping materials, plants, and equipment. These relationships can often lead to favorable pricing and reliable supply sources. Marketing and Branding: Effective marketing and branding efforts are essential for attracting new clients and maintaining the existing customer base. A successful business may have a professional website, social media presence, and marketing strategies in place. Growth Potential: A desirable landscaping business for sale should have opportunities for growth and expansion. This could include expanding into new service areas, entering into new markets, or increasing the range of services offered. Documentation and Records: The business should have organized and up-to-date documentation, including contracts, client records, employee records, and financial records, which will be essential during the due diligence process.This well-established and profitable landscaping business can be a lucrative investment opportunity for those with an interest in the industry.

Year Business was Established: 2015
Number of Employees: 8 FT/1 PT  
Facilities / Terms of Lease: The company has an ended agreement with a mechanic shop to leave vehicles and trailers at their parking lot overnight. Excellent 24/7 security. Good relationship also for the purposes of fixing the vehicles when mechanical issues arise.  
Potential Growth/Expansion: To tap into the potential for growth, a landscaping business in Palm Beach County should focus on quality service, professionalism, and marketing efforts to establish a strong local presence. Additionally, staying current with industry trends, environmental concerns, and regulations can help the business adapt and thrive in this dynamic market.  
Competition: This successful landscaping companies provides a comprehensive range to serve a broad clientele. The key to success is delivering high-quality work, excellent customer service, and meeting the specific needs and preferences of clients while maintaining a strong reputation within the community. This is why they are miles ahead of the competition.  
Owner willing to finance: Lender pre-screened with $359,800 down.  
Owner willing to train: Will train for 2 weeks @ $0 cost.  
Reason for selling: Owner is moving out of state.  



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